Grünberg Patterson Centre for Counselling & Assessment

Wholeness. Belonging. Purpose.

Comox, british columbia

The work of Grünberg Patterson is supported by three basic components: a respectful, collaborative relationship; the resilient strength of the human spirit; and strengthening family and communities. In our practice, we do many kinds of work with many kinds of people.

A Respectful, Collaborative Relationship

Ethical, caring and safe relationships form the fabric of a rich and joyful life, therefore, individual and community healing go hand in hand. We believe in the healing power of a therapeutic relationship, where clients can feel valued and empowered to envision, practice and create change. Creating this relationship is the starting point for therapy.

In all aspects of our work — therapy, assessment, consultation and education — we are committed to our clients and to the bonds of family, friendship and community that sustain them. We are proud of the way that we, as a practice, contribute to community health.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

Leonard Cohen

The Resilient Strength of the Human Spirit

We honour the creativity, diversity, resilience and strength of our clients. We believe that human beings have the ability to grow and to thrive. We honour the diversity of spiritual and personal beliefs, cultural backgrounds, personalities, expressive styles, and other resources that our clients bring to this work.

Psychotherapy, and Psychology

Strengthening Family and Communities

Because ethical, caring and safe relationships form the fabric of a rich a joyful life, individual, family and community healing go hand-in-hand. In all aspects of our work (therapy, assessment, consultation and education) we are committed to our clients and to the bonds that sustain them – family, friendship and community. We are proud of the way that we as a practice contribute to the health of our communities.

Group photo on the beach at sunset

Our Space

Therapeutic space is sacred space. The four walls of the therapy room are a safe container for the stories that we tell, the emotions that travel through us, the relationships that heal.

Meet the Team

We are a dedicated team of Counsellors, Psychologists, and Psychotherapists who are here to listen and provide you the support you need.

Services and Fee Structure

Learn about our fee stucture and the services we offer.

Book your appointment

connect with us

Grünberg Patterson Centre for Counselling & Assessment has been providing services in counselling, psychotherapy, and education since 2004.

It is an honour and privilege to live and work in the traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.


112-2100 Guthrie Rd, Comox, BC V9M 3P6

Phone:  (250) 941-1555
Fax: (250) 941-1553

Copyright 2019 Grünberg Patterson Centre for Counselling & Assessment. All rights reserved.